Donnelly & Sons specialize in the following cladding systems:

- CSR-CFC Express wall systems
- CFC- Vitra panel- pre finished
- Cerama panels
- Renderline
- Bluboard
- Hebel powerclad system
Mondo Clad - 3mm solid aluminum, non-combustible
Alucobond Plus 4mm - 2 layers of 0.5mm thick aluminum sandwiching a mineral filled fire-resistant core containing 70% non-combustible mineral filling.
Alucobond A2 4mm 2 layers of 0.5mm thick aluminum sandwiching a mineral filled fire-resistant core containing 90% non-combustible mineral filling.
Compressed Fibre Sheet Non-Combustible
Barestone - Natural concrete finish look
Equitone - Colored throughout facade
Express wall panel - Used for low & high commercial facades
Vitra-Panel - Prefinished color of your choice
Fibre Cement Sheet Non-Combustible
Easy lap - Cost effective with shiplap joint
Comtex panel - A lightweight monolithic facade solution
Versilux - Ideal for ceiling soffits
Scyon range
Matrix Panel
Axon panel
Linea Weatherboards
Stria Panel